庄园,Detecting Unobserved Heterogeneity in Efficient Prices via Classifier-Lasso,《JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICS》,2023.04
2024-01-17高萌,The trade and welfare effects of the belt and road initiative,《REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS》,2023.03(Online)
2024-01-17陶利斌,Attention and Underreaction-Related Anomalies,《MANAGEMENT SCIENCE》,2023.01
2024-01-17庄园、聂晶、吴卫星,Peer influence and the value of cash holdings,《JOURNAL OF EMPIRICAL FINANCE》,2022.12
2024-01-17施一宁,Financial liberalization and house prices: Evidence from China,《JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE》,2022.12
2024-01-17刘津宇,Foreign bank entry deregulation and stock market stability: Evidence from staggered regulatory changes,《JOURNAL OF EMPIRICAL FINANCE》
2024-01-17黄薇, Relative Obesity and the Formation of Noncognitive Abilities during Adolescence,《JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES》,2022-11-30
2022-11-23张修平,Pyramidal Ownership and SOE Innovation,《JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES》,2022.11
2024-01-17王叶,Buyer's Bankruptcy Risk, Sourcing Strategy, and Firm Value: Evidence from the Supplier Protection Act,《MANAGEMENT SCIENCE》,2022.11
2024-01-17吴卫星,Individual investors' dispersion in beliefs and stock returns,《FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT》,2022.09
2024-01-17屈源育,The Geography of Information Acquisition,《JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS》,2022.09
2024-01-17李勇,Partial moments and indexation investment strategies,《JOURNAL OF EMPIRICAL FINANCE》,2022.06
2024-01-17田秀娟,数字技术赋能实体经济转型发展 ——基于熊彼特内生增长理论的分析框架,《管理世界》,
2022-04-26屈源育,Geographic proximity and price efficiency: Evidence from high-speed railway connections between firms and financial centers,《FM》
2024-01-17刘津宇,Locality Stereotype, CEO Trustworthiness and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from China,《JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS》,2022.02
2024-01-17李勇,Foreign ownership and corporate excess perks,《JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES》,2022.02
2022-02-09边江泽,Non-Marketability and one-day sellling lockup,《JOURNAL OF EMPIRICAL FINANCE》,2022.01