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学术讲座: Investment Decisions and Falling Cost of Data Analytics

学术讲座: Investment Decisions and Falling Cost of Data Analytics


报告题目(Title:  Investment Decisions and Falling Cost of Data Analytics




  周超博士,硕士毕业于法国的巴黎九大和国立经济管理和统计学校,拥有巴黎综合理工大学工程师文凭,博士也毕业于巴黎合理工大学。他现为新加坡国立大学数学系助理教授和量化金融中心研究员,参与新加坡国立大学量化金融硕士在国内的招生工作。他主要研究金融数学和随机控制,并在这些方向获得一些很好的结果,其中的一部分发表在多个国际权威的数学、金融杂志上,如:The Annals of Applied Probability、The Annals of Probability, Mathematical Finance等。


  We study how the cost of data analytics and the characteristics of investors and investment opportunities affect investment decisions and their data analytics. We show that the falling cost of the data analytics raises investors’ leverage, financially constrained or highly risk averse investors use less data analytics, and the demand of data analytics is highest with high expected return opportunities. Due to the increased leverage, the falling cost of data analytics leads to higher losses during the crises. This is a joint-work with Jussi KEPPO and Hong Ming TAN.