讲座题目:Uncover the mystery of China’s success in FinTech: A perspective from political connections
主 讲 人:边文龙,成均馆大学金融学助理教授,北京大学数字金融研究中心特约研究员。北京大学国家发展研究院经济学博士,研究领域包括金融科技、公司金融、风险管理与保险等。在《经济研究》、《经济学季刊》、《金融研究》、《统计研究》、《保险研究》等国内期刊以及Journal of Banking and Finance、Pacific Basin Finance Journal、China Economic Review等国际期刊发表论文三十余篇。
讲座简介:This study aims to uncover the driving forces underlying the rapid development of FinTech in China. Exploiting the enactment of FinTech-related national policies in 2015 as a plausibly exogenous shock, we find that politically connected banks engage in FinTech adoption in a more active manner than non-connected counterparts after 2015, manifested as more mentions of FinTech-related activities in their annual reports and more applications of FinTech-related patents. The positive role of political connections in improving FinTech adoption is driven primarily by banks headquartered in cities with no mayor or municipal party secretary investigated during the anti-corruption campaign. In addition, political connections appear to have heterogeneous effects on FinTech adoption among state banks and non-state banks. Last, we examine the economic consequences of FinTech adoption and find that FinTech adoption lowers the likelihood of a bank receiving administrative punishments and lowers banks’ expenses on employees, especially for politically connected banks.