为推动国内外金融学科之间的交流,推动学术界、政策界和实务界之间的互动,对外经济贸易大学金融学院、《经济研究》编辑部、the Journal of Empirical Finance(JEF),对外经济贸易大学中国金融研究所共同发起“中国金融学术与政策国际论坛”。本论坛定位为:以顶尖学术研究为纽带,为国内外金融学者、政策制定者以及金融从业者之间提供一个充分交流金融理论、金融政策、金融实务最新动态的平台。本论坛的主旨在于,通过与会者对理论和方法的探讨,对实务应用的分享,以及与国内外顶级期刊之间的互动,让理论与实务、学术与政策相互碰撞,最终推进中国金融学科的理论发展创新和金融体系的有序健康发展。
2018年7月,“首届中国金融学术与政策国际论坛(2018)” 已于对外经济贸易大学成功举办,40余位优秀学者进行了论文报告和丰富、深入的学术讨论,100多位学术同行莅临参会,在学术界和实业界都具有较大反响,取得了广泛认可。第二届“中国金融学术与政策国际论坛”论坛定于2019年12月14日至15日在对外经济贸易大学举办。本届论坛将延续上届论坛的基本宗旨,关注经济、金融领域的新动向、新需求,进一步推动学术、实务与政策的发展与对接。
本届论坛将邀请俄亥俄州立大学讲席教授张橹(Lu Zhang)做主旨演讲,并和与会者深度互动。除此之外,论坛还将举办政策平行论坛,邀请金融管理部门专家与国内一流金融机构的首席经济学家参加。
为保证论坛的学术质量,论坛组委会将邀请国内外金融学科著名专家组建专门的论文评审委员会,结合本论坛定位对征文进行匿名评审,确定入选论文。在论坛交流的基础上,还将评选出3-5篇优秀的中文论文,直接进入《经济研究》匿名审稿程序;本届论坛将选取数篇文章进入JEF的投稿通道(Dual Submission)。受邀论文须于会议结束后三个月的时间之内提交给《经济研究》和JEF编辑部。
本届论坛现面向海内外公开征文。征文须符合本论坛的定位,且须为作者原创的、尚未公开出版的作品,以中英文写作均可,请分别参照《经济研究》与Journal of Empirical Finance写作体例,符合国际学术规范。为便于匿名评审与联系,作者信息(姓名、工作单位、通讯作者、联系电话、电子信箱等)请列于独立的征文首页。
征文作者请于2019年10月10日前将征文电子版(PDF格式)发送至,邮件主题请注明“中国金融学术与政策国际论坛(2019)”征文字样,邮件内容请注明是否选择进入《经济研究》/Journal of Empirical Finance审稿流程。
Call for Papers: The 2nd China International Forum on Finance and Policy
The School of Banking and Finance (SBF) at the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), the Economic Research Journal (ERJ, 经济研究), the Journal of Empirical Finance (JEF), and the China Institute of Finance and Banking (CIFB) at the University of International Business and Economics are jointly organizing the 2nd China International Forum on Finance and Policy (CIFFP) on December 14-15 in Beijing, China.
The purpose of the forum is to provide an international platform for leading financial market researchers, policy makers, and practitioners to exchange ideas on academic research, regulatory policies, and real world applications, thereby promoting the development of academic research, policies and regulations, as well as the Chinese financial system. This year’s CIFFP conference will feature a keynote speech by Professor Lu Zhang, the John W. Galbreath Chair Professor of Finance at the Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University and participation of experts from regulatory agencies and leading financial institutions in China.
The program committee welcomes the submission of original unpublished research papers in all areas of finance. Both English and Chinese language papers will be considered. Papers submitted to the conference will undergo formal review by a committee of domestic and overseas experts.
In addition, this year’s conference offers a dual submission option with either the Economic Research Journal (Chinese language papers) or the Journal of Empirical Finance (English language papers). Authors must indicate when submitting papers whether they are interested in having their papers considered under the dual submission option. Dual submission papers will be made available for consideration by the ERJ and JEF editors. At the discretion of the editors, dual submission papers will be sent out for a formal review, in which case the authors will receive copies of the referee reports. If invited, authors have until three months after the conference to submit their papers to the ERJ or JEF, regardless whether the papers are accepted for presentation at the conference.
Electronic version of the papers in PDF format should be submitted to, with the Subject “2019 CIFFP Submission” and dual submission preference indicated in the body of the email. The submission deadline is October 10, 2019 and the program committee’s decision will be sent to the submitting authors by November 10, 2019.
Program Chair:
Kewei Hou, Ohio State University
Program Co-Chairs:
Weixing Wu, University of International Business and Economics
Lin Peng, Baruch College, City University of New York
Yasheng Zou, University of International Business and Economics
Program Contact:
Academic matters: Maobin Wang (UIBE,;
Jinyu Liu (UIBE,;
Miscellaneous matters: Kai Cui (UIBE,, (86)10-64492635).