Google Scholar Page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=vCJplSwAAAAJ&hl=en
SSRN Page: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=2361166
2012 — 2016 The George Washington University Ph.D. in Economics
2010 — 2012 The George Washington University MA in Economics
2005 — 2009 北方工业大学 经济学学士 文学学士
2023 — 至今 对外经济贸易大学中国金融学院银行管理系 副教授
2019 — 2023 对外经济贸易大学中国金融学院银行管理系 讲师
2016 — 2019 East Carolina University Assistant Professor of Economics
[1] Attribute Misreporting and Appraisal Bias (with Michael Eriksen and Wenyu Zhu), Review of Finance, forthcoming.
[2] The Spatial Impact of High-Speed Rail on Firm Performance: The Role of Proximity to Urban Cores (with Mengying Wei and Wenyu Zhu), Economics Letters, Vol. 231, 2023.
[3] Social Learning and Local Consumption Amenities: Evidence from Yelp (with Elliot Anenberg and Edward Kung), Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 70(2), 2022.
[4] Need for Speed: High-Speed Rail and Firm Performance (with Zijie Liu and Wenyu Zhu), Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 66, 2021.
[5] A Revealed Preference Index of Urban Amenities: Using Travel Demand as a Proxy (with Daniel Broxterman), Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 59(3), 2019.
[6] Are all Homeowners Willing to Pay for Better Schools? ─ Evidence from a Finite Mixture Model Approach (with Jee Hwang and Okmyung Bin), Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Vol. 58(4), 2019.
[7] Does Quality Matter in Local Consumption Amenities? An Empirical Investigation with Yelp, Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 100, 2017.
2023: Asian FA, Ho Chi Minh City
2022: SBF Spring Workshop*
2021: Jinan University* | AsRES*
2020: SBF Fall Workshop*
2019: MIT Urban China Seminar, Cambridge | International Workshop on Economic Analysis of Institutions, Xiamen | AsRES, Shenzhen | CICF, Guangzhou | Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business | Jinan Urban Economics Workshop
2018: AREUEA International, Guangzhou
2017: Lincoln Institute Scholar Program, Boston | UEA, Vancouver
2016: AREUEA-ASSA, San Francisco | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | East Carolina University | Ohio University | Fannie Mae | Freddie Mac | UEA, Minneapolis | NARSC, Minneapolis
2015: Washington DC Urban Economics Day | NARSC, Portland
2014: AREUEA National, DC
* virtual
2023 校级优秀本科毕业论文指导教师(学生:蔺思源)
2022 第十批“惠园优秀青年学者”
2017 Lincoln Scholar, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
2014-2015 University Fellowship & Graduate Teaching Assistant, GWU
2014 John Whitfield Kendrick Graduate Fellowship in Economics, GWU
Journal of Regional Science | China Economic Review | Journal of Banking & Finance | Journal of Economic Geography | Journal of Accounting and Public Policy | Journal of Economic Surveys | Economic Inquiry | Journal of Housing Economics | Urban Studies | Economics Bulletin | Review of Regional Studies | PLOS ONE | Journal of Urban Affairs | Cityscape | Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies | Economic and Political Studies